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以木芙蓉为研究材料,运用杂交指数、花粉数/胚珠数、座果率、种子萌发率等指标对木芙蓉的繁育系统及传粉生物学等进行研究。结果表明:木芙蓉单花的花期1 d,整体花期7—11月份;木芙蓉的杂交指数为4,繁育系统为异交、部分自交亲和、需要传粉者;木芙蓉的花粉数/胚珠数为415±11.3,繁育系统属于兼性异交类型;木芙蓉自然座果率为74%;同株同花授粉的座果率为40%;人工异株异花授粉座果率为71%;各种授粉方式下,单个果实的种子个数为128~148,差别不大;各种授粉方式下,平均种子萌发率为47%~60%,没有显著差异;传粉昆虫有蜂类、甲虫,其中中华蜜蜂、黑小蜜蜂为主要传粉昆虫。  相似文献   
以孝感市孝南区西河镇的成年栀子林为试材,对栀子的6个数量性状进行了相关分析、通径分析和主成分分析。结果表明:单株果数和单位面积产量,应作为丰产栽培选择的重要性状;树高和冠幅主要是通过单株果数来影响单株产量,在生产中要注意协调好树高、冠幅和单株果数的关系;单果重也可适当考虑。  相似文献   
马尾松种子园优良家系生长性状选择   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对广西3个马尾松种子园无性系在多个地点进行多年度重复的半同胞子代测定.自1987年以来,总共测定444个家系(不含重复测定).方差分析结果表明,各家系间存在着显著差异.根据遗传稳定性和材积生长快慢,采用性状表现水平分析法,评选出适合在广西普遍推广的广谱性优良家系64个,局部推广的局部性优良家系48个,需淘汰的家系83个;选择出的最优家系在11年生子代林中,材积生长量比对照大64.71%-94.51%.用子代林数据估算马尾松各性状的家系遗传力,树高遗传力为0.306-0.724,胸径为0.174-0.686,单株材积为0.286-0.677.  相似文献   
黄土旱作区长武字号小麦的品种性状和品质特性演变规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究黄土旱作区主栽小麦品种长武字号的演变特性,以长武字号小麦为材料,对其农艺性状、产量性状和品质特性进行研究.结果表明,长武字号小麦产量旱波动的上升趋势,长旱58产量最高达4 375.92kg/hm2.用stepwise进行回归分析,表明产量与成穗数呈负相关,与倒二节、穗粒数、单穗质量和生物质量呈负相关.用Logistic方程拟合灌浆曲线,决定系数均大于0.99,拟合效果良好.长武字号小麦的平均灌浆速率和最终籽粒质量都呈逐渐上升趋势.长武字号小麦的蛋白质含量呈逐渐增加趋势,长旱58最高达14.92%.黄土旱作区小麦生产还应把高产作为主要目标,要兼顾农艺性状的改善,适当缩短穗下节、倒三节的长度,增加倒二节的长度,同时还要研究配套的高产栽培措施.在提高产量的同时,努力改善小麦品质,培育强筋优质小麦品种,或者发展专用小麦.  相似文献   
遮光处理对马铃薯农艺性状和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以3个常规马铃薯栽培品种费乌瑞它、紫玉、冀张薯12号为材料,进行非全程45%遮光、全程45%遮光、非全程70%遮光、全程70%遮光处理,比较分析马铃薯的植株生长势、产量及其构成性状受光照的影响效果。结果表明:马铃薯植株生长、产量及其构成性状等都呈现出对照、非全程45%遮光、全程45%遮光、非全程70%遮光、全程70%遮光依次递减的变化趋势;遮光条件下马铃薯株高显著增加,但费乌瑞它的株高随遮光程度增加变化不大;紫玉的主茎数对光照不敏感,费乌瑞它和冀张薯12的主茎数随光照强度的减弱而减少;冀张薯12植株的干物质量受遮光影响最大;马铃薯单株薯质量和商品薯质量受遮光影响最大,单薯质量受遮光影响最小,非全程45%遮光处理只对费乌瑞它和紫玉单株薯质量产生显著影响,相同条件下冀张薯12的商品薯质量也显著下降;全程45%遮光处理下紫玉、费乌瑞它的单株块茎数,费乌瑞它、紫玉、冀张薯12的单株薯质量和紫玉的商品薯重都显著降低,遮光程度达到70%时(非全程、全程)所有结薯性状因子都显著下降;费乌瑞它在遮光为45%条件下减产41.6%~44.5%,非全程70%遮光下减产67.8%,而全程遮光条件下的减产86.6%,全程遮光和非全程遮光之间差异不明显;冀张薯12和紫玉在非全程45%遮光下减产都在30%以内,冀张薯12在全程45%遮光条件下减产57.4%,紫玉减产41.1%,全程70%遮光下冀张薯12减产达87.5%,紫玉减产78.8%。综合试验结果,费乌瑞它和紫玉前期耐弱光,产量构成性状受光照影响较小,生育期短,较适宜中国南方冬作栽培。  相似文献   
Root system architecture (RSA) determines unevenly distributed water and nutrient availability in soil. Genetic improvement of RSA, therefore, is related to crop production. However, RSA phenotyping has been carried out less frequently than above-ground phenotyping because measuring roots in the soil is difficult and labor intensive. Recent advancements have led to the digitalization of plant measurements; this digital phenotyping has been widely used for measurements of both above-ground and RSA traits. Digital phenotyping for RSA is slower and more difficult than for above-ground traits because the roots are hidden underground. In this review, we summarized recent trends in digital phenotyping for RSA traits. We classified the sample types into three categories: soil block containing roots, section of soil block, and root sample. Examples of the use of digital phenotyping are presented for each category. We also discussed room for improvement in digital phenotyping in each category.  相似文献   
为了明确小麦籽粒性状的遗传控制基础,以γ射线诱变结合花药培养创制的大粒、高蛋白小麦新种质H307及生产上主栽品种郑麦9023创建的含有310个株系的重组自交系为实验材料,利用QTL-ICIMapping V3.3软件构建了包含133对SSR标记的遗传连锁图谱,对千粒重、粒长、粒宽、籽粒面积、周长、粗蛋白和淀粉含量进行QTL分析,结果在两年环境条件下共检测到47个加性QTL和10个QTL富集区,其中6个千粒重QTL,分别位于1D、2B、3D、6D和7A染色体上,单个QTL可解释4.54%~13.14%的表型变异;31个粒形QTL,位于1B、1D、2B、3B、3D、5A、5D、6B、6D、7A和7D染色体上,单个QTL可解释2.90%~15.86%的表型变异;10个粗蛋白和淀粉含量QTL,分别位于1A、1B、4B和6A染色体上,单个QTL可解释3.64%~12.19%的表型变异。2B染色体上检测到1个贡献率较大且能稳定表达的重要染色体区段,该区段包含控制小麦千粒重、粒长、粒宽、籽粒面积和周长的10个QTL。1BL染色体上检测到1个控制籽粒粗蛋白含量的微效QTL,对表型的贡献率为3.64%,与连锁分子标记gwm818的遗传距离为0.22cM,该位点是一个不同于前人研究结果的新位点。  相似文献   
Knowledge of the changes in agronomic and photosynthetic traits associated with genetic gains in grain yield potential is essential for an improved understanding of yield-limiting factors and for determining future breeding strategies. The objectives of this study were to identify agronomic and photosynthetic traits associated with genetic gains in grain yield of facultative wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) between 1981 and 2008 in Henan Province, the most important wheat producing area in China. During the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 crop seasons, a yield potential trial comprising 18 leading and new cultivars released between 1981 and 2008 was conducted at two locations, using a completely randomised block design of three replicates. Results showed that average annual genetic gain in grain yield was 0.60% or 51.30 kg ha−1 yr−1, and the significant genetic improvement in grain yield was directly attributed to increased thousand grain weight which also contributed to the significant increase in harvest index. The genetic gains in rates of net photosynthesis at 10, 20 and 30 days after anthesis were 1.10% (R2 = 0.46, P < 0.01), 0.68% (R2 = 0.31, P < 0.05) and 6.77% (R2 = 0.34, P < 0.05), respectively. The rates of net photosynthesis at 10 (r = 0.58, P < 0.05), 20 (r = 0.59, P < 0.05) and 30 (r = 0.65, P < 0.01) days after anthesis were closely and positively correlated with grain yield. A slight decrease in leaf temperature and an increase in stomatal conductance after anthesis were also observed. Grain yield was closely and positively associated with stomatal conductance (r = 0.69, P < 0.01) and transpiration rate (r = 0.63, P < 0.01) at 30 days after anthesis. Therefore, improvement of those traits was the likely basis of increasing grain yield in Henan Province between 1981 and 2008. The genetic improvement in yield was primarily attributed to the utilization of two elite parents Yumai 2 and Zhou 8425B. The future challenge of wheat breeding in this region is to maintain the genetic gain in grain yield and to improve grain quality, without increasing inputs for the wheat-maize double cropping system.  相似文献   
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an important medicinal plant and its dried roots are used in traditional systems of medicine. The market price of roots is determined by physical (textural) quality. Brittle roots with high starch and low fiber are considered to be superior because of ease in grinding. Genetic diversity studies based on root textural parameters have not been done so far. So the present study was designed to assess genetic diversity for morphometric traits and root textural quality parameters among two morphologically distinct groups: Poshita and Nagore. The PCA separated the morphometric and root texture variables distinctly into two different principal components: PC-1 and PC-2 respectively, indicating that both are negatively associated. All the morphotypes in Poshita group showed high positive loadings in PC-1 indicating that component genotypes are high root yielding. Nagore morphotypes were low yielding but the root texture was good. Clustering of morphotypes grouped Poshita and Nagore separately with high inter-cluster distances indicating that both groups are highly divergent from each other, suggesting that there is sufficient scope for varietal improvement through hybridization.  相似文献   
成花过程是高等植物生长发育过程中最重要的阶段之一,包括一系列生理生化代谢与基因调控反应。本文对高等植物成花过程中生理生化与分子机制的研究进行了综述,并介绍了miRNA在植物成花过程中的作用,为成花研究提供参考。  相似文献   
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